14th of April 2009

Assalamualaikum all.. Maafla sebab lama tak update blog sebab aku da berubah branch tempat keja.. Lappy pn xleh bawak.. Anyway, wish me luck for my interview tomorow ok. For the Lab Tutor job at Olympia College with my Nisha! Yeehaaa! So, im gonna sleep now.. Gotta wake up early tomorow..

p/s: Sorry az.. x dapek nk menjawab tag lagi.. huhu

3 sarcasm?:

misz beauty said...

tak pe... az tungguuuuuuuu =)


aik..jauh art interviewnya...
gov ker..atau something special1!!!orang yang menunggu kat sana pun special gak...muahahahahaahah


Beauty's Collections said...

Beaty's Collection Updated. Plz Visit http://beautyscollections.blogspot.com

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