
assalamualaikum all.. ekceli entri kali ini aku nk ucapkan tahniah je.. hehe..
Firstly, secara terkejutnya, baru aku taw yang Astarawistana@Irm ni da ada blog! huh! tak bagitau pun.. nak kena ni! Cari punya cari, selidik punya selidik, jumpa la blog dia nih.. so, aku follow trus blog dia nih.. hehe.. Congrats irm! welkam tu de werl of belogging! haha

2nd and the best! Happy monthasary to me and my dear speckyprawn@syasya@nisha yang ke empat! She's returning from Langkawi today folks! Miss her damn much now, almost a week doesn't gaduh2 ngn dia.. hehe.. I have something for you today! yay!

Last but not least, its not a congratulation or what.. it's just.. damn! The Director of Olympai College is here at Penang! I've been remind by everyone that he's a very fussy person! Well, 3 days he's gonna be here, just wait and see.. wuwuwu..

signing off!

1 sarcasm?:

Astarawistana Momoi said...

waaahh..hehehe...malu arr..
irm bru nak berjinak2 dlm blog ni..hehehe..masih bru, klu ade pape yg art tngok cam x best..tegur2 la k..hehehe..

p/s: camne nak follow ur blog ye art?

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